Monday, May 11, 2009

Greetings. This is my first foray into the blogosphere, so please bear with me as I learn my way around. I hope to improve the looks and features of the page as I find more time and consistent internet access. (I know, you’re thinking, ‘She’s retired. What’s this not-having-enough-time bit?’ Well, all I can say is that the days go flying by. Kind of scary actually.

We arrived in Jackson, Wyoming, April 29 (a nice birthday present!) after spending a week with Jim’s parents in Arkansas, and a night in Dillon, Colorado, visiting Sally and Huey, a couple we met on our first (harrowing) backback trip in the Grand Canyon. They were the ones who met us on the Hermit trail during our hike out, giving me a much needed boost for those last few miles.

For our first week here in Jackson, we had Hannah’s place to ourselves, playing grandparents to her dogs while she and Matt were mountain biking in southern Utah. Other than walking the dogs, our primary activity has been getting in shape for the hiking in Hawaii.

Since the trails at higher elevation are still snow covered, we opted to hike the buttes in town that offer some nice trails, including one close by called High School Butte. During this time of year, the butte is a popular hiking spot for people, their dogs, and even paragliders. And, with an elevation gain of about 750 feet in about a mile, it is a good workout.

We also did two hikes up the back side of Snow King, a ski resort in town that is now closed for the season, but still has sections of snow on the top. On one of the hikes, Jim made the mistake of starting out in shorts and a light jacket. Once we got on top, it was like a different world: windy, cold, and spitting snow. Needless to say, we didn’t stay up there very long. We also learned later that there have been cougar sightings in the area, which borders a designated wilderness area. So, on another nicer day when we hiked up with the dogs, we didn’t hang around long either as during a snack stop, we noticed a distinct, and strong, smell of cat urine. Time to go!

Blacktail Butte is another of our favorite hikes out here. It's located out of town and although separated by a highway, it is still technically in Teton National Park. Which means we can't take the dogs on the hike. We did that one day as well, but again ran into some snow. Not fun post holing in thigh deep snow. Once out on the bald, we stopped for a break and lunch, which offers spectacular views of the Valley and the Tetons.

Jackson is a great town. Not only is it situated in a beautiful area, it also has a vibrant arts, culture, and literary scene. Something interesting going on all the time. We even found a Quaker meeting, which we attended during our first Sunday here.

Well, that's all for now. We leave for Hawaii on May 13, returning to Jackson on June 2. After Jim has some tests and another injection at the hospital here in Jackson, we're taking off in the motor home for an extended road trip throughout the West. Not sure when we'll get back to Ohio, probably sometime late summer.

Looking forward to more adventure but do miss our family and friends back home. Probaby won't be able to update this site untill we return from Hawaii.